REMINDER: Dumpsters at all Town of Freedom parks and buildings are not for public use. Residents have been disposing of large items, leading to significant costs for the town. This is unacceptable. Continued violations may result in fees being imposed on those responsible.

Town Board

The Freedom Town Board consists of five (5) members who are elected at large.   Their term of office is for two (2) years and are staggered so that not all Board member's terms expire at the same time. The Chairman and Supervisors 1 & 3 are elected in odd numbered years and Supervisors 2 & 4 are elected in even numbered years. The current Town of Freedom Board is as follows:

Justin Schumacher     

#1  Chris Valley      

#2  Margo Fox                          

#3  Linda Borneman     

#4  Kevin Schuh     

All Board members have mailboxes located at the Freedom Town Hall.  Mail may be sent to any board member's attention to:

                       Freedom Town Hall                         
                       W2004 County Highway S
                       PO Box 1007
                       Freedom, WI 54131

You may also call (920) 788-4548 or email the Town
to leave a message or for more information.