In May 2024, the Town of Freedom partnered with MSA for Building Inspection Services. To streamline the process and ensure all required inspections are completed, MSA will now oversee all open building permits effective immediately. Please contact MSA at 920-392-5150 to schedule an initial inspection so they can assess the status of your project. Failure to do so may result in a project stoppage to ensure compliance with the Uniform Dwelling Code.

Public Works


The Department of Public Works is responsible for the planning, design, review, construction, and maintenance of the Town's infrastructure within the public right-of-way and maintenance for all town vehicles and equipment.  The Department is responsible for 62 miles of streets, storm sewers, bridges, parks and also coordinates with the Freedom Sanitary District for water and sanitary sewer service.  The Public Works Department is also charged with enforcing various state and storm water management and erosion control ordinances.

The Public Works Department performs such duties as snow and ice removal, street sweeping, installation and repair of street signs, road repair, ditching, brush chipping, tree and brush control, roadside weed cutting, shouldering, and oversight of the yard waste site.

5-Year Road Reconstruction Plan