REMINDER: Dumpsters at all Town of Freedom parks and buildings are not for public use. Residents have been disposing of large items, leading to significant costs for the town. This is unacceptable. Continued violations may result in fees being imposed on those responsible.

Planning & Zoning


The Town of Freedom is currently under Outagamie County Zoning rules and jurisdiction.  However, the Town of Freedom also requires that Land Use applicants for Certfied Survey Maps, plats, and applicants seeking Conditional Use Permits, Rezoning, Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Special Exception Permits, and Variances make application first to the Town of Freedom for review and approvals.  The Town of Freedom Planning & Zoning staff forwards recommendation to the Town Plan Commission and they in turn make a recommendation to the Town Board. The advisory approval recommendation made by the Town Board is then passed on to the Outagamie County Zoning Department for their consideration at the county approval process. 

All commercial and multi-family site plans must be submitted to the Town for review and approval to ensure that the site plans follow the Town's Site Plan Ordinance as well as the Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Ordinances.

All Land Use, Site Plan, and related applications for the Town of Freedom are located in the Forms, Fees & Applications page  or contact the Town of Freedom. Applicants must also apply separately with the Outagamie County Zoning Department.

Forms, Fees & Applications