In May 2024, the Town of Freedom partnered with MSA for Building Inspection Services. To streamline the process and ensure all required inspections are completed, MSA will now oversee all open building permits effective immediately. Please contact MSA at 920-392-5150 to schedule an initial inspection so they can assess the status of your project. Failure to do so may result in a project stoppage to ensure compliance with the Uniform Dwelling Code.

Freedom Volunteer Fire Company, Inc


The Freedom Volunteer Fire Company, Inc is a private company with it's own Board of Directors and is comprised entirely of volunteers.  The Town of Freedom contracts with the Freedom Volunteer Fire Company, Inc for fire protection.

Board of Directors
Steve Garvey--President
Mark Green--Fire Chief

In December of 1955, Nic Liesch's tavern burned to the ground. Five area fire departments responded to the call but could not save the tavern. Freedom had stock in the Seymour fire truck at the time.

Following the fire, a group of people organized to form a fire department. The group headed by Ed Vandenberg, included Web Haberland, Jack Renkins, Harold Vandenberg, Weldon Huss, Art Coffey, Art Hooyman, Orlo Maulick, Marvin Murphy, Henry Spierings, Clark Sievert and Ted Bernetzke.


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