REMINDER: Dumpsters at all Town of Freedom parks and buildings are not for public use. Residents have been disposing of large items, leading to significant costs for the town. This is unacceptable. Continued violations may result in fees being imposed on those responsible.

Freedom Sanitary District No. 1

Although listed under Town of Freedom Departments for residents convenience, the Freedom Sanitary District #1 is a separate entity from the Town.  The district is responsible for sanitary sewer and drinking water issues.


The District has its own Board of Commissioners.
Commissioners are elected at the spring election in odd numbered years and serve staggered 6-year terms.

Sanitary District Commission meetings are held at the plant office and are open to the public.

Office is located at:
N4229 Garvey Avenue
Freedom, WI 54130

Office Hours are 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Monday thru Thursday
CLOSED on Friday

(920) 788-5763
(920) 788-4471 fax 

For an after hour emergency please call (920) 788-5763, option 1.  You will be forwarded to the staff member on call.

Sanitary District Commissioners:
Dan Vanden Berg- President
Eugene Klister
Sam Van Handel

Terri Romitti - Utility Administrator (
Rachel Peterson - Administrative Assistant (

Brian Mueller - Operator 
Nicole Keckhaver - Operator