In May 2024, the Town of Freedom partnered with MSA for Building Inspection Services. To streamline the process and ensure all required inspections are completed, MSA will now oversee all open building permits effective immediately. Please contact MSA at 920-392-5150 to schedule an initial inspection so they can assess the status of your project. Failure to do so may result in a project stoppage to ensure compliance with the Uniform Dwelling Code.

Local Clubs and Organizations

Local Clubs and Organizations

FFA Alumni
Rachel Peterson
(920) 759-1467

Freedom Alumni
Pat Bacon
(920) 419-6845

Freedom Area Boy Scouts
Chris Eckes
(920) 784-6158

Freedom Area Girl Scouts
Lori Lemerand
(920) 687-0845

Freedom Athletic Association
Adam Eggert
(920) 268-7071

Freedom Business Association
Bob Van Eperen     (920) 687-1551
Jim VerVoort     (920) 687-2250

Freedom Area 4H
Smile Awhile 4H
Kimberly Groenjes

Freedom Food Pantry
Chad Kortz
(920) 740-2753

 Freedom Historical Society 
 Kenneth Vandenberg   
 (920) 423-3036

 Freedom Lion's Club 
 Dan Vosters
 (920) 850-9954

Freedom Trail Blazers  
Larry Oudenhoven           

Freedom Wrestling
Casey Cook, Max Garvey, Melisaa Vanderheiden, Dana McHugh

Knights of Columbus
Wayne Klarner     
(920) 739-9236

VFW Auxiliary 
Judy Smits

Hank Calmes
(920) 740-9638